'Wreck Pack

Regular price $14.99

Top Jimi 'Wreck Pack for the Kemper Profiling Amplifier

Seeking to Recreate the Sound of: Ceriatone Expression (30 Watts)

Speakers Used During the Profiling Process: Celestion 25W Greenback and '78 Celestion Blackback G12H-55

Min to Max Gain Range (Scale: 0 to 10): 0 to 9

Profile Type: Studio (12 profiles) and Merged (12 profiles)

Jim's Comments: "These are some of my favorite profiles. It's impressive how well they maintain clarity at very high gain settings. There are profiles tailored for both humbuckers and single coils. I use these a lot!"

Ceriatone Expression Background Info: The Expression is Ceriatone's clone of the famous and rare Trainwreck Express. It outputs 30W of power through 2 EL34 output tubes.



Jimi Using These Profiles Live


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Customer Demo


Top Jimi Enterprises, LLC is in no way affiliated with Ceriatone Amplification, Trainwreck Circuits or Celestion International Ltd. Any mention of "Ceriatone", "Expression", "Trainwreck", "Express" or "Celestion" is strictly for comparison purposes.