Top Jimi "DC/AC" Pack for the Kemper Profiling Amplifier
Seeking to recreate the sound heard on the recordings of the rock band AC/DC
Speakers Used During the Profiling Process: 1967 Celestion 20W Greenback, 1970 Celestion 25W Greenback, Celestion Vintage 30
Gain Range (Scale: 0 to 10): 2 to 6
Profile Type: Studio (20 profiles) and Merged (20 profiles)
Jim's Comments: "AC/DC is the perfect example of straight-up rock guitar tone, but the tones can be surprisingly difficult to get unless you have the right gear. We've done our best to replicate the tones heard on several AC/DC albums, from 1974 up through today. It seems almost everyone wants some good AC/DC profiles in their arsenal. I think those people will love this profile pack!"
Please Note: Obviously, the guitar is a very important part of the signal chain, and differences between guitars will affect the tone. We used Jimi's Les Paul Standard as a neutral reference to build the profiles. If your guitar has a fuller tone, we recommend increasing the Treble and Presence together. Try increasing them both by 0.3 and see how that sounds. If your guitar is bright, try reducing the Treble and Presence by 0.3 and go from there.
Signal Path: Guitar --> Various Marshall heads --> Marshall 4x12 loaded with Celestions
Profile Naming Decoder:
Ang = Emulates Angus Young’s tone
Mlc = Emulates Malcolm Young’s tone
Stv = Emulates Stevie Young’s tone
BinBl = “Back in Black”
H2H = “Highway to Hell”
Jlbrk = “Jailbreak”
Live ’16 = Gear and settings from Premier Guitar’s AC/DC Rig Rundown
TNT = yes, “TNT”
Train = “Rock ‘N Roll Train”
TStrk = “Thunderstruck”
All guitar tones heard on the following demos were recorded with a Kemper using the DC/AC Pack and drums/bass/vocal backing tracks found on YouTube.
Tommy Henriksen using the DC/AC Pack live with Alice Cooper:
Customer Demo Video:
Top Jimi Enterprises, LLC is in no way affiliated with Marshall Amplification or Celestion International Ltd. Any mention of "Marshall", "Celestion", "Greenback" or "Vintage 30" is strictly for comparison or descriptive purposes.