Top Jimi Profiles "Everything" Bundle for the Kemper Profiling Amplifier. Includes all of our profile packs (except Bargain Bin packs). Over 60% off regular price!
Includes the following packs:
Pack | Seeking to Recreate the Sound of... |
Boston Pack | Tone from Boston studio recordings |
Brown Sound 2.0 Pack | Tone from early Van Halen recordings |
Brown-ish Sound Pack | Old Brown Sound pack (still great tones!) |
DC/AC Pack | Tone from AC/DC recordings |
Led Pack | Tone from Led Zeppelin recordings |
Lynch Pack | Tone from Dokken & Lynch Mob recordings |
Metallipack | Tone from early Metallica recordings |
Mississippi Mountain Pack | Tone from Mountain/Leslie West recordings |
Ozzy Pack | Tone from Ozzy Osbourne recordings |
Queen Pack | Tone from Queen studio recordings |
Sabbath Pack | Tone from Black Sabbath recordings |
Slash Pack | Tone from Slash's studio recordings |
Sykes Pack | Tone from '87 Whitesnake album |
'59 Tweed Dlx Pack | Fender Deluxe (1959) |
'59 Tweed Bass Man Pack | Fender Bassman (1959) |
'59 Tweed Twinn Pack | Fender Twin (1959) |
'59 BonaTwin Tweed Pack | Fender Twin-Amp JB Edition |
'64 Dlx Rev Pack | Fender Deluxe Reverb (1964) |
'64 VibVerb Pack | Fender Vibroverb (1964) |
'65 Sup Rev Pack | Fender Super Reverb (1965) |
'64 Bass Man Pack | Fender 6G6-B Bassman (1964) |
'66 Plexi JT45 Pack | Marshall JTM-45 (1966) |
'68 Sup Ld Pack | Marshall Super Lead (1968) |
'74 Sup Ld Pack | Marshall Super Lead (1974) |
'82 JC 800 Pack | Marshall JCM800 2203 (1982) |
'87Jub Pack | Marshall Siver Jubilee 2555 (1987) |
Hendrix S100 Pack | Marshall Jimi Hendrix Super100 |
YJM Pack | Marshall YJM100 (Yngwie Malmsteen Signature) |
Caswell AFD Pack | Marshall Tim Caswell AFD-Mod |
Gilbert/Lee Jackson Pack | Marshall Lee Jackson Mods (Paul Gilbert owned) |
Satch 410 Pack | Marshall JVM410HJS Satriani Signature |
HighWatt Pack | HIWATT Custom 100 DR103 (1974) |
'63 AC 30 Pack | Vox AC30 (1963) |
BEye Pack | Friedman BE-100 Brown Eye |
Stevens 100 Pack | Friedman SS-100 (Steve Stevens Signature) |
Cantrell 100 Pack | Friedman JJ-100 (Jerry Cantrell Signature) |
Phil 100 Pack | Friedman Phil X Signature |
Ecstatic Pack | Bogner Ecstasy |
Uber Pack | Bogner Uberschall Twin Jet |
Match 30 Pack | Matchless HD-30 |
Dummble Pack | Ceriatone Overtone Special |
'Wreck Pack | Ceriatone Expression |
PBall Pack | Engl Powerball |
5051 Pack | EVH 5150 III |
Mark 5 Pack | Mesa/Boogie Mark V |
Pet2C Pack | Mesa/Boogie JP-2C |
Dano100 Pack | Soldano SLO100 |
Tangerine Pack | Orange AD30 |
Black Majik Pack | Supro Black Magick Combo |
Bass DI | Sansamp Bass Driver DI |
Top Jimi Enterprises, LLC is in no way affiliated with Fender Musical Instruments Corporation, Hiwatt, Marshall Amplification, Vox Amplification Ltd., Matchless Amplifiers, Orange Music Electronic Company, Ltd., Experience Hendrix LLC, Ceriatone Amplification, E.L.V.H. Inc., Bogner Amplification, Soldano Custom Amplification, Mesa Engineering, Absara Audio LLC. Tech 21 Inc., Friedman Amplification, Engl GmbH, the band Boston, the band AC/DC, the band Led Zeppelin, the band Queen, the band Metallica, the band Mountain, Leslie West, Ozzy Osbourne, the band Van Halen,, the band Black Sabbath, the band Dokken, the band Lynch Mob, John sykes, the band Whitesnake, or Slash.
Any mention of "Fender", "Deluxe", "Bassman", "Twin", "Twin-Amp JB Edition", "Deluxe Reverb", "Vibroverb", "Super Reverb", "HIWATT", "Custom 100", "DR103", "Marshall", "JTM-45", "Super Lead", "JCM800", "2203", "Silver Jubilee", "2555", "AFD100", "YJM100", "Vox", "AC30", "Matchless", "HD-30", "Orange", "AD30", "Marshall", "JTM45", "Jimi Hendrix", "Super100", "JVM410HJS", "Ceriatone", "Overtone Special", "Expression", "EVH", "5150", "Bogner", "Ecstacy", "Uberschall", "Twin Jet", "Soldano", "SLO100", "Mesa/Boogie", "Mark V", "JP-2C", "Sansamp", "Bass Driver DI", "Friedman", "BE-100", "Brown Eye", "SS-100", "JJ-100", "Phil X Signature", "Engl", "Powerball", "Black Magick", "Eminence", "Mountain", "Metallica", "Boston", "Queen", "Sabbath", "Slash", "Dokken", "Lynch Mob", "John Sykes" or "Whitesnake" is strictly for comparison purposes and a testament to their awesomeness.