Top Jimi Dano100 Pack for the Kemper Profiling Amplifier
Seeking to Recreate the Sound of: Soldano SLO100 (100 Watts)
Speakers Used During the Profiling Process: Celestion Vintage 30
Min to Max Gain Range (Scale: 0 to 10): 0 to 9
Profile Type: Studio (23 profiles)and Merged (23 profiles)
Jim's Comments: "The Crunch profiles have a vintage vibe and remind one of George Lynch. The overdrive profiles are heavenly. The clean profiles are surprisingly pleasing, considering how great the overdrive profiles are."
Soldano SLO100 Background Info: This is one of the "grail" amps that every rock guitarist wants to own. Just a fantastic sounding professional quality amp, built like a tank, and designed for the guitarist who wants the very best. Two channels -- Normal and Overdrive, with 4 6L6 power tubes generating 100 Watts.
Top Jimi Enterprises, LLC is in no way affiliated with Soldano Custom Amplification or Celestion International Ltd. Any mention of "Soldano", "SLO" or "Celestion" is strictly for comparison purposes.