Hendrix Sup 100 Pack for the Kemper Profiling Amplifier
Seeking to Recreate the Sound of: Marshall Jimi Hendrix Super100JH (100 Watts)
Speakers Used During the Profiling Process: Celestion 25W Greenback and '78 Celestion Blackback G12H-55
Min to Max Gain Range (Scale: 0 to 10): 0 to 6
Profile Type: Studio (12 profiles) and Merged (12 profiles)
Jim's Comments: "Not surprisingly, these profiles sound fantastic with a Stratocaster. We also got great sounds with humbucker-equipped guitars. The Blackbacks really gave an authentic Hendrix vibe in the studio."
Marshall Jimi Hendrix Super100JH Background Info: This amp is a re-creation of one of Jimi Hendrix's surviving personal amps, serial number 7029. Jimi used 1966 Marshall Super 100 amps, and had the tone stack of the amps slightly modified to provide a treble boost and a bit more bass. The mod also slightly increased the gain of the amps. The tone stack mod has been included in the recreations. Uses four KT-66 output tubes.
Top Jimi Enterprises, LLC is in no way affiliated with Marshall Amplification, Experience Hendrix LLC, or Celestion International Ltd. Any mention of "Marshall", "Super100JH", "Jimi Hendrix" or "Celestion" is strictly for comparison purposes.