Top Jimi '59 Tweed Twinn Pack for the Kemper Profiling Amplifier
Seeking to Recreate the Sound of: 1959 Fender 5F8-A Twin (80 Watts)
Speaker Used During the Profiling Process: 12" Celestion Greenback
Min to Max Gain Range (Scale: 0 to 10): 0 to 4
Profile Type: Studio (10 profiles) and Merged (9 profiles)
Jim's Comments: "These profiles give absolutely killer tone reminiscent of the big tweed amps. We got better-sounding profiles using Celestion Greenback speakers instead of the Jensen speakers found in the original amp. This is a common mod done to these amps (ask Joe Bonamassa or Keith Richards). Gives the tone more mids with less highs and lows, and a smoother breakup."
Fender 5F8-A Twin Background Info: Back in the day the Twin was Fender's amp for the big stages. Designed to give lots of clean headroom at high volumes, it still gave a moderate overdrive when cranked up. The 1959 5F8-A Twin used a pair of rectifiers and (4) 5881 power tubes driving two 12" Alnico Jensens.
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Top Jimi Enterprises, LLC is in no way affiliated with Fender Musical Instruments Corporation, Celestion International Ltd, or Jensen Loudspeakers. Any mention of "Fender", "Super", "Twin", "Celestion" or "Jensen" is strictly for comparison purposes.