Top Jimi 'Breaker Reissue Pack for the Kemper Profiling Amplifier
Seeking to Recreate the Sound of: Reissue Marshall Bluesbreaker Combo (30 Watts)
Speaker Used During the Profiling Process: Celestion 25W Greenback
Min to Max Gain Range (Scale: 0 to 10): 0 to 5
Profile Type: Studio only (22 profiles)
Jim's Comments: "We made profiles using both the original 5881 power tubes as well as a pair of KT-66's. The KT-66's offer more upper midrange crunch, whereas the 5881's are more smooth. These are the cleanest-sounding of our British profiles. A lot of people are looking for an AC/DC inspired sound, and we think these profiles can get you pretty close."
Reissue Marshall Bluesbreaker Combo Background Info: The 1990's Marshall Bluesbreaker Combo is a reissue of the classic early-60's design, with a similar but distinct character. The reissue used Celestion 25W Greenback speakers (ceramic magnets) instead of the Alnico magnet Celestions found in the earliest original examples.
Top Jimi Enterprises, LLC is in no way affiliated with Marshall Amplification or Celestion International Ltd. Any mention of "Marshall", "Bluesbreaker" or "Celestion" is strictly for comparison purposes.